About me

My interest in sexuality, love, intimacy and relationships goes back many years. I believe that important aspects of personal growth take place in these areas and have studied them thoroughly.
In additional to my work as a social worker and later as an IT specialist, I have supported individuals and couples on their path to personal development in various workshops.

You will find in me an open, emphatic and
and appreciative companion for your personal development process. Opening up new perspectives, discovering and strengthening existing skills and carefully uncovering blind spots are all part of my work and steps that we can take together

From my own experience, I know how helpful and healing it is to have someone at your side who mirrors, perceives, asks questions and shows understanding when it comes to the challenges we face in sexuality and relationships.

Training and Experience

Education is a continuous process. I regularly attend further training courses to broaden my horizons and learn new ways and possibilities for problem-solving.

Curriculum Systemic Sex Therapy

IGST Heidelberg 2022, with Nele Sehert

Introduction to Systemic Sex Therapy

IGST Heidelberg 2022, with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Clement

Curriculum Systemische Paartherapie

IGST Heidelberg 2023, with Nele Sehert

Client-Cented Therapy

FH Frankfurt 1989, with Prof. Dr. Winfried Münch

Seit 2016 Arbeit im Team von HAI
(Human Awareness Institute)

HAI is offering workshops since 1972 about Love, Intimacy and Sexuality.

2016-2021 Cupple Awareness Days

Five couples came together in this group to face the various challenges in their relationships together. Topics such as listlessness, changes in sexuality with age, opening up relationships, communication behavior and much more were explored.